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Products & Services

Insulation Services
Spray Foam Insulation
Crawl Space Insulation
Attic Insulation
Blown in Insulation
Radient Barrier
Cellulose Insulation
Rigid Foam Insulation
Garage Insulation
Ductwork Sealing
Ice Damming

Mold Remediation
Mold Testing
Mold Removal
Black Mold Removal
Bathroom Mold Solutions
Attic Mold Solutions
Basement Mold Solutions

Before and After Pictures from Pomfret Center
Removing Attic Insulation in Pomfret Center, CT

Removing Attic Insulation in Pomfret Center, CT

Before After
Removing Attic Insulation in Pomfret Center, CT Removing Attic Insulation in Pomfret Center, CT

This homeowner in Pomfret Center, CT called us when an energy evaluation on her home showed insufficient insulation in the attic. When we arrived, we noticed that her attic had batts of fiberglass insulation. The insulation was littered with bugs, dirt, and rodent feces -- not an ideal situation for a home, especially one where children or the elderly live. We spoke to the homeowner and she came to the conclusion that our TruSoft™ cellulose insulation was the best choice for her home. But before we could install that, we first had to see what was under all of that insulation.


The batts of insulation were bagged up into large trash bags. The stray pieces were then vacuumed out, alongside any remaining animal droppings and bugs. The insulation was then disposed of by Fogarty's Home Services.


Now, the attic is ready to be prepped, sealed, and insulated again! This removal is the first step to the lowered energy bills and comfortable home the customer was looking for. 

Company Awards
We are the #10 Total Basement Finishing dealer for 2022-2023!
Fogarty's Home Services was proud to receive an award for #10 in total sales in the entire Total Basement Finishing... [Read more]
We are the #9 Dr. Energy Saver dealer for 2022-2023!
Fogarty's Home Services was proud to receive another award at CN Live 2023! This award was for total sales in... [Read more]
The 2023 Impact Award!
Fogarty's Home Services is proud to be the recipient of the 2023 Impact Award from CN Live 2023. This award... [Read more]
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Fogarty's Home Services serving Pomfret Center, CT

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Pomfret Center's Leading Spray Foam Insulation Contractor

Spray foam insulation is the best choice for insulation if you’re looking to increase your comfort & decrease your energy bills. Spray foam insulation is truly the best option for home insulation and here are a few reasons why. Spray Foam Insulation provides an air barrier due to its ability to fill gaps and cracks. It is also great at staying in the hard to reach areas because of its super-adhesive qualities. Spray foam insulation is also waterproof, unlike fiberglass and cellulose insulation. Water will not be able to pass through the foam which makes it an extremely durable and long-lasting product. Lastly, spray foam insulation is foolproof. Spray foam is sprayed as a liquid and then expands and hardens to fill voids and gaps. There is never any chance for an area to be missed or bypassed. Once cured, spray foam insulation will stay in place for decades to come and will never shift or settle like fiberglass. To ensure your home has the best insulation available and your energy bills are low, switch to spray foam insulation today!

Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation Include:

  • Spray foam works in all areas of the home
  • Has a greater R-value
  • Acts as an air sealant
  • Is waterproof
  • Leaves no gaps

Attic Insulation Solutions For Your Pomfret Center Home 

We specialize in a variety of attic insulation services aimed to lessen your home's carbon footprint and save energy and money each month! When it comes to attic insulation, Fogarty's Home Services is the area's leading expert who uses only the highest quality products. Our proven attic insulation solutions offer homeowners of Pomfret Center a great return on their investment as well a difference they can feel year round.  

Fogarty's Home Services specializes in a wide variety of home insulation solutions ranging from spray foam, rigid foam, radiant barrier, blown-in cellulose, and much more. Our patented home insulation products have shown to lower home energy costs 30% or more! Overall the attic is using one of the least insulated parts of a home and as a result, we have perfected our attic insulation techniques to make things as efficient as possible!

If your home is suffering from high energy costs or comfort issues, contact us today for a FREE home insulation estimate. We would love to provide attic insulation to make your home more comfortable!

Services We Offer:

  • Garage Insulation
  • Home Energy Audits
  • Window & Door replacement
  • Crawl Space Insulation
  • Ice Dam Prevention

Reliable Basement Insulation Services

Fogarty's Home Services offers a wide variety of basement insulation types and products. When the right type of basement insulation is installed properly, energy bills are lowered and home comfort is improved. We have a dedicated team of basement insulation professionals with decades of experience and patented products. Our experts can identify basement insulation problems and formulate long-lasting solutions. The basement insulation we provide will eliminate mold, humidity, dampness and promote a healthier and drier space. On top of that, our basement insulation services will improve comfort and cause significant energy savings. Call or click today to schedule your FREE basement insulation estimate!

Crawl Space Insulation Experts

Fogarty's Home Services is an authorized dealer of the nationally renowned Dr. Energy Saver network. That means we have the knowledge and products to give you the exact results you are looking for. When it comes to crawl space insulation we are industry experts who have teams of professionals dedicated to making your crawl space a better place! Your home's crawl space may often go unnoticed but it holds great importance when it comes to the comfort of your home. As the lowest point of your home, the crawl space can suck in cold air from outside and once that air is inside it will slowly warm and circulate upwards throughout the rest of your home. Adding proper insulation to your crawl space can make your home healthier and also lower your energy bills by up to 30%. Crawl space insulation will block air from entering into your crawl space and we also add additional insulation so the existing air won't circulate throughout your home. Crawl space insulation is a great way to spend your money due to the future energy savings you will see! To learn more about crawl space insulation in your Pomfret Center home, call or click today!

Window & Door Installation Company

Fogarty's Home Services installs energy-efficient windows & doors for homeowners in Pomfret Center & nearby. Windows and doors are often forgotten but new windows and doors not only improve the interior and exterior appearance of your home, they also cause significant energy savings. Replacement windows and doors will help to maintain more even temperatures and eliminate drafts and energy loss. Our team of highly skilled window and door installation professionals have combined decades of experience and only use high-quality products. We offer vinyl, fiberglass and aluminum doors so we are sure to have the right products for you. Improve your home’s appeal and comfort today with replacement windows and doors. Contact Fogarty's Home Services today to schedule your FREE estimate!

Mold removal and prevention

Mold is a common household problem that is difficult to remove and unhealthy to have around. For effective mold removal services, you need trained, certified experts who can effectively test for and safely remove mold from your Pomfret Center, CT home.

Removing mold yourself can prove dangerous, as toxic mold can oftentimes be indistinguishable and easily spread. We provide reliable testing and recommend services guaranteed to remove unhealthy mold from your attic, basement, bathroom, or living space and prevent growth in the future.

Job Stories From Pomfret Center, CT
Insulating an Attic in Pomfret Center, CT

This homeowner in Pomfret Center, CT called us after a whole-home energy evaluation revealed that she needed to re-insulate her house. Our Home Comfort Specialist headed to her home, where he independently confirmed she had insufficient insulation. Since attics are vented, we should think of them thermally as outside in the winter. In summer because of the suns radiant heat, they are much worse than outside, reaching 130˚ on summer days. Clearly, we need to keep an absolute boundary between our living space and the attic so inside air doesn’t move to the attic in the heating season (convection), and heat doesn’t pass up through our ceilings in winter (conduction), and down from our ceilings in the hot summer (conduction, radiation). To reduce overall air leakage, the attic is the first priority because warm air rises to the top of the house and finds any and all holes to leak out into the cold vented attic and is lost. Holes, gaps and joints include between drywall and framing at the top of walls, around pipes, wires, electric boxes, fixtures, duct, penetrations, ceiling grilles and joints in framing. And the only reason cold air leaks in from the outside at the lower levels of the house, is that warm air leaked out of the top and created a suction at the bottom. Attics are dramatically under-insulated compared to today’s standards. Result - cold drafty rooms downstairs, colder floors, house is harder to heat and keep comfortable, higher fuel and electric bills.


Luckily, Fogarty's Home Services was able to help this customer. We first carefully air sealed the many various points where air from her home leaked up into her attic. We used expanding foam, boards, caulk, and metal flashing and fire caulk around your masonry or metal chimney as appropriate. Baffles (air chutes) were installed in each rafter bay to keep soffit vents clear and prepare for insulation. Finally, our premium TruSoft™ cellulose insulation was blown to the optimum R-value (typically R60). TruSoft™ will not burn, get moldy, or attract pests. Blown insulation fills all gaps and odd shaped voids, and by filling over framing members, “thermal bridging” is avoided. Results - a warmer, more comfortable, less drafty house that they'll notice everywhere - even downstairs! House is quieter. Fuel and electric bills are lower.

Insulating Exterior Walls in Pomfret Center, CT

This customer in Pomfret Center, CT called to see about getting insulation in his walls. Many older homes have no insulation in the exterior walls. The problems this causes are obvious. Heat flows from more (inside) to less (outside in winter) right through the walls, and the opposite in summer. Nearly all walls leak air, insulated or not, causing drafts. The cold wall surface cools interior air which then sinks and travels across the floor and up the warmer interior wall, and across the ceiling back to the exterior wall. This is called a “convective loop” and makes rooms feel even draftier. Result - cold, drafty rooms, uncomfortable home, heating and cooling systems run much more and need more service, difficult to keep house at comfortable temperature, higher fuel and electric bills, dry home in winter, more dust/pollen, more humidity in the house in summer when air conditioned.


In order to properly insulate the walls, we dense pack them with TruSoft™ cellulose insulation. Siding is removed temporarily as necessary and 29 /16” holes are drilled through the wall sheathing. A fill tube is inserted up (and down) into wall cavities to not only fill, but dense pack the wall cavities. Dense packing is a technique that packs the insulation in very tightly - so tightly that all irregular shaped cavities and crevices in the wall cavities are filled, and air will not penetrate the dense packed cellulose. It’s remarkable, and something that can’t be achieved with fiberglass - not even close! Dense packed cellulose stops air flow through the wall and insulates. TruSoft™ Cellulose is treated to be highly fire, mold and pest resistant. Holes are plugged and siding is put back. With wood siding, old nail holes and new nails may be noticeable on close inspection. Very small new nail heads will be visible on aluminum siding. (If specified, siding will not be removed but drilled and plugged instead). Result - A less drafty, warmer, quieter, more comfortable house, less dust/ pollen, house not so dry in winter, lower fuel/electric bills, heating system runs less - less maintenance.

Insulating Attic Pull Down Stairs in Pomfret Center, CT

This customer in Pomfret Center called in stating that she was having issues with drafts in her home. Upon arriving, our Home Comfort Specialist noticed that her attic stairs had no insulation. Attic hatch pull down stairs are necessary to access your attic. The problem is that when closed, they leak a LOT of air that you paid to heat from your home to the vented attic where it is lost. All this warm air leaving the top of the house is replaced with cold outside air entering at the lower levels of your home, causing drafts, cold floors and uncomfortable rooms that are hard to heat. In addition to these problems, your pull down stairs are a big area in your ceiling that is not insulated - and your attic can be 30˚F in the winter and a blazing 130˚ in the summer! Result - cold drafty rooms that are hard to heat, high overall home air leakage, and higher heating and cooling (fuel and electric) bills.


The answer to this issue is installing a cover. Dr. Energy Saver’s exclusive “David Lewis Hatch Cover™” (named for our engineer who developed it) rests right over your pull down stairs. It stops air leakage and insulates over the stairs. Made of lightweight SilverGlo™ foam insulation, you just lift it aside to go up into your attic, and set it back in place when you leave. You don’t see anything from the finished area of your home. SilverGlo™ foam insulation has graphite infused into the foam which bumps up the insulation value by 24% over standard EPS foam. It also has a radiant barrier (foil) on the flat lid to reflect heat back in during winter and out in the summer, so the insulation isn’t doing all the work by itself. Result - a tighter, more comfortable, less drafty home you’ll notice. Rooms easier to heat. Lower fuel and electric bills.

Insulating a Garage with Heated/Cooled Rooms Above in Pomfret Center, CT

Our customer in Pomfret Center, CT reached out to us after an independent energy evaluation. She was concerned about the lack of effective insulation in her garage, especially as she has rooms above the garage that she uses. Garages are not heated, but the finished rooms above them are. So the garage ceiling must be insulated. Unfortunately, fiberglass batts leave lots of air space for air to circulate around them, eliminating their R-value. The result is cold, drafty floors upstairs and excess noise from the garage heard upstairs.


Our solution for this customer was to dense pack the garage ceiling with TruSoft™ cellulose insulation. A very long pipe is inserted into the joist bays all the way to the other side. Cellulose is blown in and dense packed into the floor. This not only compresses existing loose fiberglass batts and adds much insulation value, but the density stops airflow through the floor from air leaks. Results - warmer floors above, more comfortable rooms, quieter floors upstairs without that hollow sound, and lower heating and air conditioning bills.

Work Requests From Pomfret Center, CT
Project Location: Pomfret Center, CT
Insulation attics / basement Doors